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The Navy League keeps the tradition alive by hosting a special STAG Lunch. With the spirit of brotherhood and honor at its core, the League On November 4th, celebrated its storied STAG Lunch. The grandeur of the Services Mess played host to this exclusive gathering, bringing together distinguished individuals who share an unwavering commitment to their nation's naval defense. This event wasn't just a meal; it was a celebration of shared values and collective dedication, embodying the essence of the League's enduring camaraderie.

  • Date:04.11.2023 11:42
  • Location Services, Services Mess Club, Merewether Road, Civil Lines, Karachi, Pakistan (Map)


 Celebrating Unity: The Navy League's Special STAG Lunch

The Navy League keeps the tradition alive by hosting a special STAG Lunch. On November 4th, this lunch brought together 42 of our members at the esteemed Services Mess, a place known for its dignified atmosphere and connection to our naval tradition. Among those who joined were former Chief Admiral Shahid Karim Ullah and other retired officers, all coming together, regardless of their ranks, in a show of solidarity and dedication to our naval defense forces.

The Services Mess, with its grand design telling stories of the past, was the perfect backdrop for an afternoon of friendship and good food. This wasn't just any lunch – it was a display of the strong community spirit that holds the members of the Navy League together.

In the sitting hall, old friends caught up, and memories were shared over a warming bowl of chicken corn soup. The excitement was heightened by a cricket match being shown between Pakistan and New Zealand. Then, in the beautiful dining hall, our guests were treated to an extraordinary lunch. They enjoyed traditional Pakistani dishes, rich in flavor and heritage, representing the unity and strength of our naval community.

Every detail of the Services Mess, from the grand tables to the spotless decor, highlighted the discipline and elegance associated with our forces. From tender meats to flavorful curries, the food celebrated the best of Pakistani cooking. The mutton qorma, fragrant with spices passed down through generations, and the variety of breads, were a feast for both the eyes and the palate.

The STAG Lunch is much more than a meal. It's a cherished tradition that encourages conversation and kinship. While eating, the dining hall was alive with tales of bravery, talks of strategy, and friendly chats, all reinforcing the shared bond between our members.

This lunch is not only about honoring our traditions; it also shows how we embrace the changing ways of fellowship. It's a reflection of our Navy League's journey and the forward path we are committed to.

As the event came to a close, members left feeling a sense of pride and achievement, evidence of a successful gathering. The Navy League once again proved its dedication to building a strong, united community. This gathering, more than just providing a delicious meal, strengthened the ties that make our naval force robust and steadfast.

To wrap up, the STAG Lunch on November 4th was more than just an exceptional dining event. It was a recommitment to our core values – togetherness, heritage, and a steadfast commitment to service. Leaving the Services Mess, our members carried with them the spirit of the Navy – a spirit marked by honor, comradeship, and lasting devotion to our country.