The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Navy League was held, with the President expressing gratitude to members and reporting the expansion of the organization. The Secretary reported on the year's activities, including events such as a visit to Turkey and flood relief efforts in Sindh. Captain Ashfaq Agha presented the Navy League's good deeds initiatives, including supporting the Baba Island School. The meeting was followed by a dinner and musical program.

The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Navy League took place with great enthusiasm and energy at Sailing Club Karachi

  • Date:11.02.2023 19:30
  • Location National Sailing Centre Clifton Karaci (Map)


The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Navy League took place with great enthusiasm and energy at Sailing Club Karachi. The event started with a recitation from The Holy Quran and the welcome address by the Acting President of the Navy League. The President then welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all members for their contributions, especially those who had been with the organization for a long time.

The President announced that The Navy League had reached its 22nd year and had expanded to include two more chapters in Islamabad and Lahore, which are actively holding frequent get-togethers to remind members and their families of their deep association with the Pakistan Navy. The organization was doing well financially and always endeavoured to arrange events that came it's way. Various in-house activities were continuing at a good pace, including those organized by the Welfare Committee, Baba Island School Committee, Inland and Abroad Tours Committee, Social Committee, and the newly established Navy League Collage Committee. The President expressed his pleasure at the well-planned and executed activities of the committees over the years, which have been appreciated by all participants. The President thanked everyone for making the event a resounding success and hoped to make it another memorable occasion to remember.

The Secretary then presented the audited accounts and activities of the Navy League. The Secretary's Report began with a tribute to the eight members who had passed away during the previous year. A moment of silence was observed to pay homage to their memory. The confirmation of the last AGM minutes was followed by the presentation of the report on the activities conducted during the year.

The report highlighted the major events that the League conducted, including the visit to Turkey, the families' picnic at Manora Beach, and the flood relief activities in Shikarpur, Sindh. The report mentioned the tragic incident that occurred during the visit to Turkey when Cdr Q N Usmani suffered a cardiac problem and passed away despite the emergency treatment he received from specialist doctors. However, the tour was completed with no other option available, and lessons learned from the incident will be incorporated into forthcoming tours. The Secretary expressed his appreciation for the support received from the members throughout the year.

Captain Ashfaq Agha then presented the good deed activities of the Navy League. He apprised the audience that The Navy League as a Good Deeds has taken several initiatives to improve the quality of education and support the students and staff of the Baba Island School. The Navy League provides uniforms, copies, and notebooks to deserving and poor students, collaborates with other organizations to improve the quality of education through activity-based learning, donates ten desktop computers to the school, and looks after the finance of medical treatment for the school teachers and other staff. The Navy League also extends financial help to teachers and school staff for their marriages and supports teaching staff in the development of their professional education, like computer and IT skills.

Furthermore, the Navy League is establishing a vocational training centre for the Baba Island community, a stitching unit, with the support of the Moawin Foundation, a welfare organization headed by Former Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Asif Sandila. Further, he was thankful to Cdr S A Nadeem, Cdr Zahid, and Mrs. & Capt Shaheen Pervez for their contributions to the school. Cdr S A Nadeem contributed an overhead projector, Cdr Zahid added a beautiful gift for the school by installing a sundial clock, and Mrs. & Capt Shaheen Pervez provided 10 plastic-coated maps of Pakistan for the primary section classes to help students learn about the geography of Pakistan. Students celebrated the 14th of August 2022 at the Baba Island School l with Zeal and zest.

After the presentations, a sumptuous dinner was served, followed by a musical program. The event was a great success, and everyone enjoyed the evening. The Navy League looks forward to the upcoming year and continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of students and staff of the Baba Island School and its members.

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